December 24, 2015

Best of the Defence: #3 and #4

Our #3 and #4 spots on the 2015 Best of the Defence list come from Ryan Phillips with yet another pick, and Adam Bighill with, of course, a BIG hit.

Despite not having many plays on this list, there’s no denying the season that the 2015 MODP, Adam Bighill, has had this year. With hit after hit, it’s hard to choose just one, so we picked the one that looked the best!


Ryan Phillips makes his third appearance on the list at #3 with a crucial interception to seal the deal with 25 seconds left in Toronto. Keep your eye on Mic’hael Brooks who gets to the QB with some serious speed, causing Ricky Ray to throw short, and RP is right there to take advantage.


Our #1 and #2 best defensive plays are up next. Keep your eyes peeled.